Streamlit ML Multiclass Classification Model Prediction Sample (feat. Pipeline)

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  • Kaggle 데이터셋을 활용하여 Streamlit ML Multiclass Classification Model을 배포한다.
  • 각 코드에 대한 자세한 설명은 여기에서는 생략한다.

데이터 수집



모델 개발

  • 다음 코드는 모델을 개발하는 코드이다.
  • 주어진 데이터셋에서 종속변수 NObeyesdad을 예측하는 모델을 구성했다.
    • 파일명 :
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from joblib import dump, load
import os

DATA_PATH = './data/train.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(DATA_PATH)

# Separate features and target variable
X = data.drop(['id', 'NObeyesdad'], axis=1)
y = data['NObeyesdad']

# Split the dataset into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Identify numerical and categorical columns
num_columns = X.select_dtypes(include=['float64']).columns
cat_columns = X.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns

# Create the preprocessing pipeline
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
        ('num', StandardScaler(), num_columns),
        ('cat', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'), cat_columns)

# Create the full pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
    ('preprocessor', preprocessor),
    ('classifier', RandomForestClassifier())

# Train the model, y_train)

# 모델 저장
model_directory = 'model'

if not os.path.exists(model_directory):

model_path = os.path.join(model_directory, 'NObeyesdad_prediction_pipeline.joblib')
dump(pipeline, model_path)
  • 위 코드에서 핵심은 모델을 저장하는 것이며, 또한 OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore') 을 지정하는 것이다.
  • 해당하는 폴더에 model 폴더가 없으면 model 폴더를 생성하고 NObeyesdad_prediction_pipeline.joblib 이름으로 모델을 저장한다.

파일 실행

  • 를 실행하여 모델을 생성한다.

Streamlit App 개발

  • 다음 코드는 Streamlit App 개발을 하는 코드이다.
    • 파일명 :
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from joblib import load
import os

# Assuming your model is saved in the 'model' directory with the name 'obesity_prediction_pipeline.joblib'
model_directory = 'model'
model_path = os.path.join(model_directory, 'NObeyesdad_prediction_pipeline.joblib')

def predict_NObeyesdad_level(model_path, Gender, Age, Height, Weight, family_history_with_overweight, FAVC, FCVC, NCP, CAEC, SMOKE, CH2O, SCC, FAF, TUE, CALC, MTRANS):
    # 모델 불러오기
    pipeline = load(model_path)
    # 데이터프레임 생성
    df = pd.DataFrame([{
        'Gender': Gender, 'Age': Age, 'Height': Height, 'Weight': Weight,
        'family_history_with_overweight': family_history_with_overweight, 'FAVC': FAVC,
        'FCVC': FCVC, 'NCP': NCP, 'CAEC': CAEC, 'SMOKE': SMOKE, 'CH2O': CH2O,
    # 예측 값 생성
    prediction = pipeline.predict(df)
    return prediction[0]

def main():
    st.title('Obesity Level Prediction Model')
    st.write('Predict obesity levels based on personal and health-related attributes.')

    # Create input fields for each feature
    Gender = st.selectbox('Gender', ['Male', 'Female'])
    Age = st.number_input('Age', min_value=0.0, format='%f')
    Height = st.number_input('Height (in meters)', min_value=0.0, format='%f')
    Weight = st.number_input('Weight (in kg)', min_value=0.0, format='%f')
    family_history_with_overweight = st.selectbox('Family history with overweight', ['yes', 'no'])
    FAVC = st.selectbox('Frequent consumption of high caloric food', ['yes', 'no'])
    FCVC = st.number_input('Frequency of consumption of vegetables', min_value=0.0, max_value=3.0, step=0.1)
    NCP = st.number_input('Number of main meals', min_value=1.0, max_value=4.0, step=0.1)
    CAEC = st.selectbox('Consumption of food between meals', ['No', 'Sometimes', 'Frequently', 'Always'])
    SMOKE = st.selectbox('Do you smoke?', ['yes', 'no'])
    CH2O = st.number_input('Consumption of water daily (liters)', min_value=0.0, format='%f')
    SCC = st.selectbox('Calories consumption monitoring', ['yes', 'no'])
    FAF = st.number_input('Physical activity frequency (per week)', min_value=0.0, format='%f')
    TUE = st.number_input('Time using technology devices (hours)', min_value=0.0, format='%f')
    CALC = st.selectbox('Consumption of alcohol', ['Never', 'Sometimes', 'Frequently', 'Always'])
    MTRANS = st.selectbox('Mode of transportation', ['Automobile', 'Bike', 'Motorbike', 'Public_Transportation', 'Walking'])

    if st.button('Predict Obesity Level'):
        result = predict_NObeyesdad_level(model_path, Gender, Age, Height, Weight, family_history_with_overweight, FAVC, FCVC, NCP, CAEC, SMOKE, CH2O, SCC, FAF, TUE, CALC, MTRANS)
        st.success(f'Predicted Obesity Level: {result}')

if __name__ == "__main__":
  • 위 코드에서 핵심은 predict_tip 함수이다. pipeline으로 모델을 설계하면 곧바로 predict() 저장된 모델을 불러온 후, 함수 사용이 가능하다.


  • 테스트 결과는 아래와 같이 나온다.
streamlit run 
