추천 시스템 패키지 소개 - recommenderlab
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This R package provides an infrastructure to test and develop recommender algorithms. The package supports rating (e.g., 1-5 stars) and unary (0-1) data sets. Supported algorithms are:
이 R 패키지는 추천자 알고리즘을 테스트하고 개발할 수 있는 인프라를 제공한다. 이 패키지는 등급(예: 별 1-5개) 및 단항(0-1) 데이터 세트를 지원한다. 지원되는 알고리즘:
User-based collborative filtering (UBCF) Item-based collborative filtering (IBCF) SVD with column-mean imputation (SVD) Funk SVD (SVDF) Alternating Least Squares (ALS) Matrix factorization with LIBMF (LIBMF) Association rule-based recommender (AR) Popular items (POPULAR) Randomly chosen items for comparison (RANDOM) Re-recommend liked items (RERECOMMEND) Hybrid recommendations (HybridRecommender) For evaluation, the framework supports given-n and all-but-x protocols with